Dutch-Speaking Creolization

 Hello Friends and Welcome Back!

    Today, we are going to cover what types of Creolization happens in the Dutch Speaking Caribbean. In the textbook, " Tour de Force" chapter three there are a few examples of Creolization. 
    One example that stood out to me is the creation of string bands. What makes this a topic of creolization is that as the book states, "evolved from the ensembles that played European dance music...... Enslaved domestic workers often played in these ensembles; their participation contributed to merging of the melodies and instruments of Europe with the rhythms and playing styles of the Caribbean region." This means that string bands came from the combination of European Dance music and playing styles of the Caribbean. 


Google. (n.d.). String Bands . Retrieved March 21, 2023, from https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Flookaside.fbsbx.com%2Flookaside%2Fcrawler%2Fmedia%2F%3Fmedia_id%3D2447297075588142%26get_thumbnail%3D1&tbnid=pQUkGjfUsIwHRM&vet=12ahUKEwjWwa3MtO79AhUZbTABHVmdBBYQMygAegUIARC9AQ..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%2Fatbheadoffice%2Fposts%2F2417180335202491%2F&docid=HrICVzT94p7LhM&w=1920&h=1080&q=string+bands++caribbean&ved=2ahUKEwjWwa3MtO79AhUZbTABHVmdBBYQMygAegUIARC9AQ.

YouTube. (2009). YouTube. Retrieved March 19, 2023, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iE5mVg7_bs.

I know you guys are wondering why did I pick this video? I picked this exact one for the simple fact that as we may or may not know that some of the instruments used in string bands are homemade. As you can see in the front the gentleman is using cans to create a rhythm that is oh so enticing. 

       Another example of Creolization in the Dutch Speaking part of the Caribbean is Tambu. "Tambú music has clear roots to the period of colonialism and slavery, and strong connections to African-inspired traditions."

Carol_Bareuther. (2022, August 19). 7 top types of Caribbean music. ALL AT SEA. Retrieved March 20, 2023, from https://www.allatsea.net/7-top-types-of-caribbean-music/

YouTube. (2012). YouTube. Retrieved March 19, 2023, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHFhV67Rfr0.

                This video was chosen because the history of Tambu is explained as well as the instruments needed the dance and meaning. This video is very important in understanding this type of dance and music. 

I really hoped you enjoyed reading, see you next time!     

Carol_Bareuther. (2022, August 19). 7 top types of Caribbean music. ALL AT SEA. Retrieved March 20, 2023, from https://www.allatsea.net/7-top-types-of-caribbean-music/

Gangelhoff, C., & Legrand, C. (2019). Tour de force: A musical journey of the Caribbean. Sound Caribbean.

Google. (n.d.). String Bands . Retrieved March 21, 2023, from https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Flookaside.fbsbx.com%2Flookaside%2Fcrawler%2Fmedia%2F%3Fmedia_id%3D2447297075588142%26get_thumbnail%3D1&tbnid=pQUkGjfUsIwHRM&vet=12ahUKEwjWwa3MtO79AhUZbTABHVmdBBYQMygAegUIARC9AQ..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%2Fatbheadoffice%2Fposts%2F2417180335202491%2F&docid=HrICVzT94p7LhM&w=1920&h=1080&q=string+bands++caribbean&ved=2ahUKEwjWwa3MtO79AhUZbTABHVmdBBYQMygAegUIARC9AQ.

YouTube. (2009). YouTube. Retrieved March 19, 2023, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iE5mVg7_bs.

YouTube. (2012). YouTube. Retrieved March 19, 2023, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHFhV67Rfr0.


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